The Real World | AI

The Real World AI and Content Creation Campus​

September 25, 2023 by TRW

What Is The Real World AI?

The Real World AI program is one of several campuses within The Real World, all aimed at helping you earn money online as fast as possible. This specific campus will teach you everything you need to know about content creation and Artificial Intelligence technologies.  An easy to follow blueprint will be laid out for you and the professors will guide you every step of your journey. 


Learn how to use it’s power to generate an income.

Embedded Video

The Real World AI Introduction Video



Just like you heard about Crypto early but you didn’t invest,

You’ve heard of AI and done NOTHING.

Meanwhile, students in The Real World are making six-figure incomes solely from Artificial Intelligence.

What You'll Learn Inside The Real World AI Course

To start, you’ll delve into the basics of content creation, learning everything you need to produce high-quality content. That includes the art of color grading for example, which plays a crucial role in the video making process and sound production to make immersive and impactful audio. For this, you’ll utilize editing tools such as CapCut and Premiere Pro.

Next, you’ll explore advanced AI technologies that will simplify your work, increase efficiency, and improve quality. You’ll use high-tech AI tools like Midjourney, Leonardo AI, Stable Diffusion, and many others in this process.

Lastly, you’ll gain the knowledge needed to monetize your content through various strategies.

The Real World AI Blueprint



Imagine if you had a business,

And you were able to 10x output OVERNIGHT.

That’s the power of Artificial Intelligence. 

A robot can earn money for you while you SLEEP…

Yet you have chosen not to take action.

The Content Creation + AI campus will teach you EXACTLY how to harness the power of AI to your advantage.

Limited spots available. Act Fast

The Real World AI Campus Structure

Within the Learning Center, you’ll discover seven distinct categories, each tailored to teach you specific subjects. These cover everything from editing techniques to scaling your business to six figures, following the secret ad formula taught by the professor himself.

The Real World AI Campus overview
Screenshot of the learning center inside the AI campus

Inside the campus, you’ll discover a general chat where students interact and assist each other.

The Real World AI Campus overview chat

Overall Campus Community

With over 100,000 students inside, everyone on the campus actively supports one another. This creates a friendly and encouraging environment, perfect for both your learning and your networking to help you generate more money.

Additionally, the professor hosts daily live streams where he answers various student questions. These discussions cover a range of topics, from creative problem-solving to getting the most out of AI. During these sessions, the professor openly shares valuable insights he learnt from years of experience and various tips to support students in reaching their goals.

The Professor

The Professor, also known as ‘The Pope’, was handpicked by Andrew Tate to share his extensive expertise in content creation and AI skills. With experience generating millions of dollars working alongside major corporations, he brings great value to the campus.

Here is a showcase of his advanced editing skills:

Video with Overlay

Video edited by the professor of the campus

Special Internship Program

The Real World AI Campus presents an exclusive internship program for a limited number of students. This exceptional chance provides:

Personalized Coaching: You’ll receive valuable training and step-by-step guidance from the Tate’s Creation Team, ensuring you become the absolute best.

Free Premium Access: This is the perfect chance to learn directly from The Pope himself and gain free access to The Real World for 3-6 months. It’s an opportunity designed to help you thrive in the world of AI and content creation.

AI Video Examples

You will create content like this to generate an income.

How to Get Started With The Real World’s AI Program

If you’re interested in joining this unique program it is highly recommend to sign up now to gain full access to everything inside. Some features and lessons are available only for a limited amount of time. 

To join The Real World and gain full access to the complete Artificial Intelligence bootcamp, as well as 18 other modern wealth creation methods, sign up here.


AI is going to change the world.

Luckily, you are still early. It has only truly existed for a year.

But if you wait another year, it’ll be too late.

The majority of you are replaceable. If you want to be ahead of others, you must learn how to use AI to your advantage.

That’s exactly what The Real World teaches you.

Limited spots available. Act Fast

Google Reviews · Excellent | 4.9

  • Koplan Yousif
    Koplan Yousif

    Out of all the courses I tried, this is by far the best one. Not only are they the only ones to teach AI to this level, but for $49, you get access to all the other campuses inside. Personally, I started with the AI campus and was able to scale my business afterwards with the business mastery campus.

  • Damiel Swen
    Damiel Swen

    I’ve been at Hustler’s University for about 3 months now and it has genuinely changed my life. I’m sixteen years old and I knew since I was fourteen I wanted to live as an entrepreneur does. I'm currently earning over $10k per month with the skills I learned inside the AI campus.

  • Samuel Kornin
    Samuel Kornin

    I have been learning copywriting for the last two months. I landed my first client last week, who has referred me to his two friends. In the last seven days they have accumulatively paid $650 for my AI services.That’s why I believe that Andrew Tate’s The Real World is the best thing you can spend $50 on. The course has helped me achieve the ability to work for myself and in my own time.

  • Meghan Luis
    Meghan Luis

    This program is a fantastic introduction to AI. It takes complex concepts and makes them easy to understand. The community is extremely supportive and I'm very happy to be inside!

  • Zakaria Kewer
    Zakaria Kewer

    I wasn't sure what to expect, but the Real World pleasantly surprised me. The instructors know their stuff, and the content is well-structured. I made little over $2k in my first week

  • Louis Frechette
    Louis Frechette

    The course is extremely well done, and I recommend it to anyone looking to earn money online. All the information you need to start making money is in the halls of The Real World with a side of hard work and dedication.P.S. I’m a 14-year-old kid that has already made money with the methods they provide in the course, so If I can do it, then anyone can.

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