Join 100,000+ Students Achieving Financial Freedom



Stocks & Investing | The Real World

Stocks & Investing

Modern Wealth Creation | The Real World

19 Effective Ways Of Making Money Online

Note: If you need assistance, message the live chat.


An exclusive community of over 100,000 students who are making millions of dollars.

A community where you can interact with Andrew Tate and other successful entrepreneurs.

The Real World Review
The Real World Review
The Real World Review



The world’s most advanced financial education platform just got even better.

‘THE REAL WORLD’ is a financial education platform by Andrew Tate that will disrupt the modern education system forever.

We have successfully transformed thousands of lives through our money-focused education.


With our new independent platform, we can finally teach things we could never teach before, methods that everyone can master – no matter how old you are or much time and money you have.

Sell profitable products online. Industry experts will train you to find winning products, create the perfect store, and generate traffic on your sites.

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Master the art of selling with words. We’ll give you an easy to follow guide on how to master the art of copywriting and secure a list of high-paying clients.

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Multiply your capital through the stock market. We’ll train you to use technical analysis to find situations where there’s a higher upside than the downside.

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You’ll learn how to get paid a premium price to complete simple tasks, and the most effective methods to build a list of loyal clients.

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Multiply your capital through the stock market. We’ll train you to use technical analysis to find situations where there’s a higher upside than the downside.

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Business & Finance

You’ll learn how to get paid a premium price to complete simple tasks, and the most effective methods to build a list of loyal clients.

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Experts teach strategies to boost engagement, and generate income across platforms. This campus is ideal for influencers and marketers seeking online success.

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Content Creation

We live in a digital world. There are websites worth more than skyscrapers. Videos worth more than houses.
We will teach you how to create valuable digital assets and how to sell them. Welcome to the digital age.

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Social Media

It just happens the fastest way to get attention is with Social Media – and our students follow a step-by-step process to gain attention to generate 6-figure incomes.

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The majority of you are replaceable. If you want to be ahead of others, you must learn how to use AI to your advantage.

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New skills

We are constantly adding new skills and wealth creation methods that we couldn’t previously disclose. Join The Real World and level up now.

The Main Key of The Real World

Have you ever had the chance to directly communicate with professionals making 7 figures every month?

The Real World community is extremely supportive. Overcome your problems together and celebrate your wins.

Multimillionaires | The Real World
Success | The Real World

Choose Your Path

“I grew up broke and now I am a multi millionaire. I teach the deserving the secrets to modern wealth creation.”

– Andrew Tate

Choose Your Skill

You will always find something you are good at. You will be able to test any of the 19 ways to make money whenever you want.

It's Time to Transform Your Life

If you follow The Real World’s Steps and don’t get lazy, you will find success.


The Real World will TEACH YOU HOW TO GENERATE MONEY and that is exactly what’s going to happen. You will gain instant access to:

When you become a student of The Real World, YOU have no more excuses to live the life of a slave. No Excuse to not consistently be making money. Not a single one.


Secure Your Spot For Just $49

Our Price will increase After 110,000 Members Reached

Every day, thousands of new students join. To retain the standard of teaching, The Real World cannot be overloaded.

Our price will increase when we achieve our total students goal.

95% Complete


Current Number  

Of Students


Student’s Count

Till Price Increase

Google Reviews · Excellent | 4.9

  • Kyle Reynolds
    Kyle Reynolds

    So much valuable information it's borderline overwhelming. Whichever skill you choose to learn there are thousands available to help. Easily the best money I've spent as an adult for learning purposes.

  • Marc

    Great millionaires teachers with incredible advices. Good community of like minded people. Constant upload of gold worthy content in the different campus. I highly recommend it, especially to young men who are a bit lost in this strange modern world.

  • Alberto

    it is not what the mainstream will accept. Only do-ers will thrive in this community. Lazy people will find no value in self-improvement.This program is not for those who are complacent in their lives.Those who achieve greatness will find every lesson that is taught is completely priceless. for $50 a month, you can never find a vast platform filled with information and professors who actually take the time to review your work and provide priceless feedback.Multi-millionaires who teach you how to be the best version of yourself. i have never experienced anything else like TRW. I will definitely enroll my future children to this platform.11/10 rating.

  • Helena

    A great program to level your skill set, Mindset and knowledge and make money on top of that.Even though I haven’t made much money YET it has helped me so much in knowledge and understanding of the real world.Only the knowledge is worth more then the $50 dollars, It’s university with genuine knowledge and you make money while learning, you can’t get that anywhere else.

  • Nguyen Chuang
    Nguyen Chuang

    It changed my whole mindset how to approach life,It help me realize that depression isn't real.You can achieve anything if you put your mind to it.There is ton of knowledge to be learn there.everyday lesson, you will constantly get better everyday.Thanks Mr.producer

  • Elias Mustonen
    Elias Mustonen

    I've learned many things about business and made a quite lot of money. I have also learned about discipline, masculinity, speaking, and a lot of other stuff. It has 100% worth it. I think there should be forums where students and professors can talk about different things and learn from each other.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is The Real World? Where is it based?

The Real World is a members only application with experts helping you make money online.

You can access TRW from anywhere in the world with internet.

How quickly will I make my money back after joining The Real World?

It depends on how seriously you take The Real World, but many students made their money back in a couple of weeks.

Does my age matter?

No, There’s plenty of young guys inside The Real World who are pulling in several thousands a month.

I don't have a lot of time available, can I still apply?

Rule #1 of The Real World is SPEED. 

The methods we teach are designed for rapid execution.

You need a minimum of 30 minutes a day to listen to your professors and apply what you’ve learned.

Can I start with $0?

Yes, once inside, we will help you choose a skill to focus on based on your current unique personal situation.

The Freelancing and Copywriting methods have proven themselves to get Students from $0 to $10k the fastest.

Are Hustler's University and The Real World the same?

Yes, The Real World is the upgraded version of Hustler’s University. We are now hosted on our own platform outside Matrix-controlled infra-structures.

I live in X country. Is it a problem?

Not at all. in The Real World, we teach anyone how to make money, so it doesn’t matter where you are. Your location will only change the currency of your earnings.

What if I don't like The Real World?

There is no contract and no risk. You can cancel your membership at any time and after one month is up, that’s it.

There is no risk to you.

Who isn’t this for?

We exist only to help you make money. This is our singular focus. The Real World is not a group for idle chatter, politics, or drama. There are no complainers or time-wasters.  

Don’t let fear or self doubt hold you back any longer.

Invest in yourself and join The Real World today.

It’s time to take control of your future and start achieving your dreams.

JOIN NOW and let us help you reach your full potential.